July Weather in Iceland:
Average Temperature, Rainfall, Sunshine and Humidity

The tables below list the normal July temperatures and precipitation for places in Iceland. There's also information on this month's averages for sun, fog and humidity.

All the climate measures are averages of data collected at weather stations from 1991 to 2020, except for humidity which covers 1961 to 1990.

The weather information takes in all the coasts of Iceland and a few places in between. Capital city Reykjavík is in southwest Iceland. Also on the west coast, Stykkisholmur lies north of Reykjavík, while Keflavik is to the west.

Along Iceland's north coast is the town of Akureyri and farther north the Saudanesviti lighthouse. Dalatangi sits on the outer edge of Iceland's east coast. In the highlands between those two places is Grimsstadir.

Southern Iceland is where you'll find Reynisfjara Beach as well as Reykholt, an inland farming area near Thingvellir National Park.


Average July temperatures
High °F Low °F Place High °C Low °C
59 47 Akureyri 15 9
52 44 Dalatangi 11 7
58 42 Grimsstadir 14 6
58 48 Keflavik 14 9
62 46 Reykholt 17 8
59 48 Reykjavik 15 9
57 48 Reynisfjara Beach 14 9
53 45 Saudanesviti 12 7
57 47 Stykkisholmur 14 8


The number of days only includes the days when precipitation totalled at least one millimetre (0.04 inches).

Average total precipitation in July
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
8 Akureyri 1.3 34
11 Dalatangi 4.9 123
10 Grimsstadir 2.0 50
11 Keflavik 2.6 66
12 Reykholt 3.5 89
10 Reykjavik 2.0 50
12 Reynisfjara Beach 4.3 110
11 Saudanesviti 2.9 75
7 Stykkisholmur 1.3 34

Sunshine and Fog

Average hours of sun and number of days with fog in July
Hours Sun PlaceDays Fog
153 Akureyri 1
Dalatangi 12
Grimsstadir 5
Keflavik 4
Reykholt 1
183 Reykjavik 2
Reynisfjara Beach 3
Saudanesviti 8
Stykkisholmur 1


July's average relative humidity (%)
Place Humidity
Akureyri 79
Dalatangi 86
Kirkjubaejar­klaustur 79
Raufarhöfn 88
Reykjavík 81
Stykkishólmur 80
Vestmannaeyjar 88

NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. WMO Climate Normals. Station Data Files. Index of /archive/arc0216/0253808/1.1/data/0-data/Region-6-WMO-Normals-9120/Iceland/CSV.

World Data Center for Meteorology. Climate of the World.

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