November Weather in Scotland:
Average Temperature, Rainfall and Sunshine

The data here summarize the normal November weather conditions for Scotland. The tables list average daily high and low temperatures, total rainfall and hours of sunshine for November.

The weather averages are given for the country as a whole, and also broken down into three regions.

Western Scotland covers the land from Dumfries and Galloway, north to Argyll and Bute. It includes Glasgow and the Isle of Mull.

Eastern Scotland ranges from Scottish Borders in the south to Aberdeenshire in the north. Major cities in the area include Aberdeen, Dundee and Edinburgh.

Northern Scotland covers the Highlands along with Inverness. It also takes in the Orkney, Shetland and Outer Hebrides Islands.

These measures of climate are averages of data collected at weather stations from 1981 to 2010.


Average November temperatures
High °F Low °F Region High °C Low °C
46 36 Scotland 8 2
47 37 Western Scotland 8 3
46 35 Eastern Scotland 8 2
46 36 Northern Scotland 8 2


Average monthly precipitation in November
Days Region Inches Milli­metres
18 Scotland 6.5 166
18 Western Scotland 7.4 187
15 Eastern Scotland 4.8 123
20 Northern Scotland 7.3 186


Total November sun
Region Hours
Scotland 46
Western Scotland 50
Eastern Scotland 55
Northern Scotland 35
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