Average Sunshine for US Cities in February

The tables below pull together figures on the amount of sunshine each of the largest cities in the United States usually has in February.

The % Sun number measures the percentage of time between sunrise and sunset that sunshine reaches the ground. Total Hours is the average number of sunny hours the city normally has this month. Clear Days is the average number of days this month when cloud covers at most 30 percent of the sky during daylight hours.

Hours of sunshine are the means calculated for 1961 to 1990. The other data are averages taken from years of weather watching.

Average sunshine in February
% Sun City Total Hours Clear Days
54 Atlanta, Georgia 172 8
51 Austin, Texas 169 8
55 Baltimore, Maryland 164 8
50 Birmingham, Alabama 160 7
56 Boston, Massachusetts 168 8
38 Buffalo, New York 108 2
58 Charlotte, North Carolina 180 8
49 Chicago, Illinois 136 6
40 Cincinnati, Ohio 128 5
37 Cleveland, Ohio 122 3
42 Columbus, Ohio 126 4
54 Dallas, Texas 178 10
69 Denver, Colorado 211 8
46 Detroit, Michigan 138 5
65 Fresno, California 8
39 Grand Rapids, Michigan 3
56 Hartford, Connecticut 176 7
68 Honolulu, Hawaii 8
50 Houston, Texas 155 7
% Sun City Total Hours Clear Days
49 Indianapolis, Indiana 146 6
62 Jacksonville, Florida 194 9
55 Kansas City, Missouri 174 8
81 Las Vegas, Nevada 247 12
72 Los Angeles, California 11
48 Louisville, Kentucky 149 6
54 Memphis, Tennessee 174 8
68 Miami, Florida 217 8
47 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 152 6
59 Minneapolis, Minnesota 178 8
47 Nashville, Tennessee 145 7
50 New Orleans, Louisiana 162 8
55 New York, New York 163 8
60 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 190 9
53 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 155 7
80 Phoenix, Arizona 257 13
36 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 109 3
% Sun City Total Hours Clear Days
38 Portland, Oregon 116 3
58 Providence, Rhode Island 173 8
56 Raleigh, North Carolina 173 9
58 Richmond, Virginia 180 8
41 Rochester, New York 118 2
65 Sacramento, California 201 8
54 Salt Lake City, Utah 163 5
50 San Antonio, Texas 170 8
71 San Diego, California 227 10
62 San Francisco, California 8
40 Seattle, Washington 109 3
52 St. Louis, Missouri 158 7
66 Tampa, Florida 203 9
82 Tucson, Arizona 13
56 Tulsa, Oklahoma 9
56 Virginia Beach, Virginia 175 8
50 Washington, DC 152 7

National Climatic Data Center. Comparative Climatic Data.

World Data Center for Meteorology. Climate of the World.

US City Sunshine
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