Average Snowfall for Maine in December

The tables below give monthly averages for snowfall during December at cities, towns and lakes in Maine. The numbers are for the total amount of new snow and how many days it snows at least 0.1 inches (0.25 centimetres) this month.

The snowfall totals are averages based on weather data collected from 1991 to 2020 for the US National Centers for Environmental Information.

You can jump to a separate table for Maine's Coast, Central Maine and Northern Maine.

Maine Coast

Average total snowfall in December
Days Place Inches Centi­metres
4.5 Belfast 13.2 33.5
4.9 Brunswick 9.8 24.9
6.6 Eastport 14.3 36.3
4.0 Kennebunkport 10.4 26.4
7.7 Newcastle 16.5 41.9
6.0 Portland 14.6 37.1
3.6 Tenants Harbor 11.3 28.7

Central Maine

December snowfall averages
Days Place Inches Centi­metres
6.4 Bangor 14.7 37.3
6.9 Dover-Foxcroft 15.1 38.4
12.5 Flagstaff Lake, Long Falls Dam 23.9 60.7
5.1 Grand Lake Stream 16.6 42.2
5.0 Lewiston 11.6 29.5
14.1 Rangeley 28.7 72.9
5.7 Rumford 16.8 42.7

Northern Maine

Average snow for December
Days Place Inches Centi­metres
8.6 Fort Kent 22.3 56.6
5.9 Millinocket 16.6 42.2
10.2 Moosehead Lake, Brassua Dam 24.7 62.7
7.3 Presque Isle 21.7 55.1

National Climatic Data Center. NOAA's 1981-2010 Climate Normals.

Maine Snowfall
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