Average Precipitation for Indiana in May

The tables below give monthly averages for rainfall plus snowfall during May at cities and towns in Indiana.

Each place has a total for the amount of precipitation it usually receives this month. The sites also have information on the number of days with wet weather. This includes the days when precipitation amounts to 0.01 inches (0.25 millimetres) or more.

The precipitation totals are averages based on weather data collected from 1991 to 2020 for the US National Centers for Environmental Information.

You can jump to a separate table for each region of the state: Northern, Central and Southern Indiana.

Northern Indiana

Average monthly precipitation in May
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
12 Angola 4.4 112
14 Fort Wayne 4.6 116
12 Goshen 4.3 108
12 Indiana Dunes Lakeshore 4.3 108
13 La Porte 4.3 110
11 Rochester 4.4 112
13 South Bend 4.2 107
13 Valparaiso 4.6 117
13 Warsaw 4.9 124

Central Indiana

May averages for total rainfall plus snowfall
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
13 Anderson 4.6 116
13 Indianapolis 4.8 121
13 Kokomo 4.7 120
13 Lafayette 4.4 111
13 Marion 4.8 121
13 Muncie 4.4 111
14 Richmond 4.6 118
11 Terre Haute 4.9 125

Southern Indiana

Average amount of rain and snow in May
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
13 Bloomington 5.4 136
13 Brookville 4.8 122
13 Columbus 5.0 127
12 Evansville 4.8 121
11 Paoli 5.4 137
11 Tell City 5.8 148

NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). Climate Normals.

Indiana Precipitation
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