Average December Humidity in Costa Rica

Average relative humidity levels during December are listed below for cities and towns in Costa Rica. The numbers here are based on weather data collected over many years.

Relative humidity measures the actual amount of moisture in the air as a percentage of the maximum amount of moisture the air can hold.

December relative humidity averages
Place Province %
Alajuela Alajuela 70
Barva Heredia 79
Buenos Aires Puntarenas 81
Cartago Cartago 91
Liberia Guanacaste 72
Limón Limón 87
Los Chiles Alajuela 88
Nicoya Guanacaste 72
Puntarenas Puntarenas 75
Quepos Puntarenas 85
Quesada Alajuela 91
San José San José 76
Upala Alajuela 87

Instituto Meteorológico Nacional De Costa Rica. Climatic Data..

Costa Rica Humidity
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