- Recent USA Weather
- Highest Yearly Temperatures for US Places
- Temperature Averages for European Cities
- United Kingdom Weather Averages
- Sunniest Places in Canada
- Toronto Temperatures
- Recent Temperatures and Rainfall in Australia
- Typical Weather in South America
- Where to Find the Best December Weather in America
- Mexican Beach Weather
- Record Snowfalls for US Cities
- Chicago Snowfall Averages
- What's Your Weather Personality Type?
- Asian Pollution Fuels North American Storms
- How Many Plant and Animal Species Live on Earth
- Why Orangutans Are Endangered

USA Weather
Temperatures, snowfall and precipitation at American cities for each year since 2010.
Highest temperature and hottest day in American cities for each year, going back many decades.

European Weather
Typical monthly temperatures for major cities throughout Europe.
Yearly and monthly information on normal temperatures, sunshine, precipitation and snowfall for cities and towns in the UK.

Canadian Weather
List of the sunniest spots in every province with data on how much sunshine each place gets a year.
Detailed temperature information for Toronto, Ontario including average monthly highs and lows plus number of days with hot or cold weather.

Weather Around the World
Links to weather data for each year since 2010 at cities around Australia.
Temperature and precipitation averages, by month and year, for cities throughout South America.

Warm Winter Weather
Climate data to help you plan a warm December vacation in the United States.
Typical weather for locations in Mexico along the Caribbean coast.

US Snow
Biggest snowstorm and snowiest day for each year at American cities.
When, how much and how often it snows in Chicago, Illinois.

Weather Science
Scientists have identified four personality types based on how weather affects a person's mood.
Satellite images show the north Pacific Ocean has become much cloudier, particularly during winter.

Wildlife and Environment
The number of species known in the world for each major category of animals and plants.
Loggers, farmers, poachers and pet dealers have all played a role in the endangered orangutan's decline.