Environmental Science Articles
- Thoreau Waited Longer for Spring to Arrive
- Arctic Ice Dynamics Destabilizing
- Why Tree Ranges are Different Sizes
- Warm Climate Opens Boreal Forest to Pine Beetles
- Islands Rescued From Invasive Rats
- Aquarium Fish Poised to Invade Lakes
- What Are the Odds You'll Get Struck By Lightning?
- Scientists Assess Tsunami Damage
- Sharks, Seabass Rebound After Fishing Banned
- Oceans Gaining Ground at Unusually Rapid Rate

Climate Change
Scientists have compared their own recent observations of when Massachusetts plants start flowering in spring with the records Henry David Thoreau made 150 years ago.
Global warming has broken down the relationship between Arctic climate patterns and fluctuations in the volume of Arctic ice.

Scientists have uncovered the overriding principles that govern why some tree species are confined to a narrow range of latitudes while others thrive across a continent.
Temperatures in boreal forests extending across Canada will soon be warm enough to accommodate mountain pine beetles.

Invasive Species
Huge gains have been made over the last twenty years in stopping invasive rats and mice from destroying island biodiversity.
People dumping their pet fish into local waterways could introduce yet another exotic species into the Great Lakes watershed.

Natural Hazards
The chances of getting killed by lightning in Canada are generally less than one in a million. But some people's odds of encountering a deadly strike are much higher than average.
Studies of environmental damage left behind by the massive December 2004 tsunami find widespread destruction in India, both above and below ground.

Big fish have returned to California's southern coast following a 15-year ban on gill net fishing.
Global warming has recently accelerated the pace of rising sea water.