Nassau Weather in May

May's weather is noticeably warmer and wetter than previous months at Nassau, The Bahamas. This is a transition month for the island city as the climate moves towards the rainy season.

This page gives detailed information on the typical May temperature, rain, sun, humidity and wind for Nassau.

The numbers here are historical averages based on climate data gathered at the Lynden Pindling International Airport, located west of Nassau on New Providence Island.

Temperature Weather iconTemperature

85 °F May average high 30 °C
70 °F May average low 21 °C

Daytime temperatures usually go no higher than 92 degrees Fahrenheit (34 degrees Celsius).

Nighttime temperatures only rarely approach 56 °F (13 °C).

Rainy Weather iconRain

4.1 in total precipitation 105 mm
10 days of rain

May is an intermediate month for rain. While it rains more often now than in previous months, it's still not nearly as wet as the next few months will be.

Sunny Weather iconSun

65 % sunshine
270 hours of sun

The sun's rays reach the ground at Nassau during 65 percent of daylight hours on average in May, for a total of 270 hours in the month.

Daylight in May at Nassau lasts an average of 13 hours and 22 minutes a day. The shortest day of the month is the 1st with 13 hours and 7 minutes of daylight. By the end of the month, the days have lengthened to 13:35 from sunrise to sunset. These durations can vary by a minute or two from year to year.

Humid Weather iconHumidity

77 % May average humidity

Humidity levels at Nassau are lower during May compared with most other months.

Windy Weather iconWind

17.7 mph May wind speed average 28.4 kph

May is a little windier than most months in Nassau.


These weather data are long-term historical averages provided by The Bahamas Department of Meteorology and World Meteorological Organization. The temperature and precipitation numbers are 1971-2000 normals while the sun, humidity and wind statistics are 1961-1990 normals.

Nassau Weather
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