Canadian Rockies Weather in May:
Temperature, Snow & Precipitation Averages

The tables here list the normal May temperatures, snowfall and precipitation at towns, lakes and other places in Canada's Rocky Mountain parks.

The weather information covers five national parks, from Waterton Lakes in the south to Jasper in the north.

There are also climate data for adjacent provincial parks in the Rockies of Alberta's Kananaskis Country and in British Columbia.


Average May temperatures
High °F Low °F Park Place High °C Low °C
59 35 Banff Banff Townsite, AB 15 2
55 30 Banff Lake Louise, AB 13 -1
61 37 Jasper Jasper Townsite, AB 16 3
61 35 Jasper Park East Gate, Highway 16, AB 16 2
55 29 Jasper Sunwapta Falls, Icefields Parkway, AB 13 -1
58 34 Evan-Thomas Barrier Lake, AB 14 1
56 29 Peter Lougheed Lower Kananaskis Lake, AB 13 -2
62 33 Kootenay Kootenay Crossing, BC 16 0
65 41 Kootenay Park West Gate, Highway 93, BC 18 5
62 37 Mount Robson Park West Gate, Highway 16, BC 17 3
58 37 Waterton Lakes Park Gate, Highway 5, AB 15 3
59 38 Waterton Lakes Waterton Village, AB 15 3
59 35 Yoho Field, BC 15 2
52 31 Yoho Wapta Lake, Highway 1, BC 11 -1


These precipitation statistics are averages for rainfall plus snowfall. The calculation of days includes those when precipitation totalled at least 0.2 millimetres (0.008 inches).

Total precipitation in May
Days Park Place Inches Milli­metres
14 Banff Banff Townsite, AB 2.5 62
13 Banff Lake Louise, AB 1.6 40
11 Jasper Jasper Townsite, AB 1.2 31
12 Jasper Park East Gate, Highway 16, AB 2.6 66
11 Jasper Sunwapta Falls, Icefields Parkway, AB 1.3 32
13 Evan-Thomas Barrier Lake, AB 3.5 89
14 Peter Lougheed Lower Kananaskis Lake, AB 2.6 67
15 Kootenay Kootenay Crossing, BC 2.2 56
14 Kootenay Park West Gate, Highway 93, BC 1.8 47
13 Mount Robson Park West Gate, Highway 16, BC 1.5 38
13 Waterton Lakes Park Gate, Highway 5, AB 2.8 70
16 Waterton Lakes Waterton Village, AB 4.5 114
15 Yoho Field, BC 2.1 54
16 Yoho Wapta Lake, Highway 1, BC 2.7 69


Snowfall averages for May
Days Park Place Inches Centi­metres
4 Banff Banff Townsite, AB 5.9 14.9
2 Banff Lake Louise, AB 2.8 7.1
1 Jasper Jasper Townsite, AB 0.3 0.8
1 Jasper Park East Gate, Highway 16, AB 2.3 6.0
2 Jasper Sunwapta Falls, Icefields Parkway, AB 2.9 7.2
4 Evan-Thomas Barrier Lake, AB 11.5 29.2
3 Peter Lougheed Lower Kananaskis Lake, AB 8.8 22.3
1 Kootenay Kootenay Crossing, BC 0.8 2.1
0 Kootenay Park West Gate, Highway 93, BC 0.4 1.1
0 Mount Robson Park West Gate, Highway 16, BC 0.5 1.3
3 Waterton Lakes Park Gate, Highway 5, AB 6.5 16.5
2 Waterton Lakes Waterton Village, AB 4.6 11.8
0 Yoho Field, BC 0.5 1.2
3 Yoho Wapta Lake, Highway 1, BC 5.5 14.0

Environment Canada. Meteorological Service of Canada. Canadian Climate Normals. 1981-2010 Climate Normals & Averages.

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