Average Precipitation for Nunavut in April

The tables below give monthly averages for rainfall plus snowfall during April at hamlets and settlements in Nunavut, Canada. Each place has a total for how many days of wet weather it usually gets this month and for the normal amount of precipitation.

You can jump to a separate table for each section of the territory: Southern, Eastern, Western and Northern Nunavut.

The calculation of days only includes the days when precipitation totalled at least 0.2 millimetres (0.008 inches). The month's total precipitation is an average of weather data collected during 1981 to 2010.

Southern Nunavut

Communities here are in the Kivalliq Region. Baker Lake and Rankin Inlet are west of Hudson Bay, while Coral Harbour is on Southampton Island.

Average monthly precipitation in April
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
7 Baker Lake 0.6 14
10 Coral Harbour 0.7 18
9 Rankin Inlet 0.8 20

Eastern Nunavut

This section covers Baffin Island and the Melville Peninsula.

April averages for total rainfall plus snowfall
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
15 Cape Dorset 1.2 29
10 Cape Dyer 1.2 30
6 Cape Hooper 0.5 13
5 Dewar Lakes 0.4 10
9 Hall Beach 0.5 12
7 Igloolik 0.7 17
13 Iqaluit 1.1 27
6 Nanisivik 0.4 11
6 Pond Inlet 0.4 11
5 Qikiqtarjuaq 0.5 13

Western Nunavut

Known as the Kitikmeot Region, these places are on Nunavut's northern mainland and Victoria Island.

Average amount of rain and snow in April
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
7 Cambridge Bay 0.2 6
8 Kugluktuk 0.4 10
10 Lupin 0.6 15

Northern Nunavut

Resolute is located on Cornwallis Island. Eureka is farther north, on the west side of Ellesmere Island. Alert, on the northern coast of Ellesmere Island is Canada's northernmost weather station.

Precipitation totals for April
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
9 Alert 0.4 11
5 Eureka 0.1 4
7 Resolute 0.3 7

Environment Canada. Meteorological Service of Canada. Canadian Climate Normals. 1981-2010 Climate Normals & Averages.

Nunavut Precipitation
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