Sunshine in Nova Scotia: Average Hours and Days a Year

The table below lists yearly averages for the number of sunny days and hours of sunshine at places in Nova Scotia.

Each place has three measures of sunshine. The number for % Sun is the usual percentage of daylight hours with bright sunshine. Hours gives the total hours of bright sunshine that's normal during a year. Days statistics are for the typical number of days annually with any amount of measurable sunshine. All the data are averages for the years 1981 to 2010.

Total annual sunshine
% Sun Place Hours Days
39 Amherst - Nappan 1776 276
43 Halifax 1962 290
37 Ingonish Beach 1727 283
39 Kentville 1806 287
36 Louisbourg 1651 270
39 Sydney 1817 286
36 Truro 1668 285
41 Yarmouth 1898 288

Environment Canada. Meteorological Service of Canada. Canadian Climate Normals. 1981-2010 Climate Normals & Averages.

Nova Scotia Sunshine
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