Singapore Weather Averages

Singapore Weather Averages

Singapore's weather is shaped by two monsoon seasons. The Northeast Monsoons usually run from December to early March, and the Southwest Monsoons dominate from June to September.

While the monsoons have little effect on temperature, the wind blows harder during monsoon months. The Northeast Monsoons also bring heavy rain.

In the months between monsoons – April, May, October and November – thunderstorms pass over Singapore more often.

This page gives detailed information on the annual weather averages for Singapore. There are data and descriptions for temperature, rain, sun, humidity, wind and storms.

The numbers here are long-term historical averages based on climate data gathered from 1991 to 2020.

Temperature Weather iconTemperature

89 °F annual average high 32 °C
77 °F annual average low 25 °C

Singapore's average daily temperature fluctuates by only a couple of degrees over the course of a year. Overall, December and January are the coolest months. The highest daytime temperatures occur in April, while the warmest nights are during May and June.

Rainy Weather iconPrecipitation

86.2 in total precipitation 2113 mm
171 days of rainfall

December is usually the wettest month of the year in Singapore, while February is the driest.

Sunny Weather iconSun

47 % sunshine
2074 hours of sun

Sunlight in Singapore averages 12 hours and 7 minutes a day. That amounts to 4423 hours of daylight in a year.

The shortest days of the year in mid December have 12 hours and 3 minutes of daylight. The year's longest days in mid June last 12:12 from sunrise to sunset.

Humid Weather iconHumidity

82 % average humidity

The annual averages for relative humidity in Singapore range throughout the day from a maximum of 95 percent to a minimum of 64 percent.

Humidity levels are fairly steady in Singapore, year round. Overall, December is the city's most humid month.

Windy Weather iconWind

4.6 mph wind speed average 7.4 kph

February is usually the windiest month for Singapore, and the wind is calmest during November.

Stormy Weather iconStorms

167 days with thunder a year
175 days with lightning

Thunderstorms appear most frequently over Singapore during April, May and November. Thunder and lightning are least common during January and February.


Meteorological Service Singapore. Climate of Singapore.

WMO Climate Normals. Station Data Files. Pacific (RA-V). Singapore. Index of /archive/arc0216/0253808/1.1/data/0-data/Region-5-WMO-Normals-9120/Singapore.

Singapore Weather
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