Average Snowfall for Japan in January

The tables below give monthly averages for snowfall during January at cities and towns in Japan. Each place has a total for the amount of snow it normally gets and for the number of days with snow on the ground.

You can jump to a separate table for each section of the country: Hokkaidō, Tōhoku, Kantō, Chūbu, Kansai, Chūgoku Shikoku, Kyūshū and Okinawa.

These snowfall statistics are long-term historical averages of weather data collected from 1981 to 2010.


Average total snowfall in January
Days Place Inches Centi­metres
31 Abashiri 41.3 105
31 Asahikawa 68.5 174
30 Hakodate 46.5 118
31 Obihiro 23.2 59
31 Sapporo 68.1 173
25 Tomakomai 15.4 39
31 Wakkanai 68.1 173


January snowfall averages
Days Place Inches Centi­metres
31 Aomori 88.6 225
18 Fukushima 29.1 74
27 Morioka 33.5 85
13 Sendai 8.3 21


Average snow for January
Days Place Inches Centi­metres
1 Chiba 1.2 3
3 Maebashi 3.1 8
24 Nikko 44.9 114
2 Tokyo 2.0 5
4 Utsunomiya 3.9 10
2 Yokohama 2.0 5


Average total snowfall in January
Days Place Inches Centi­metres
10 Aikawa, Sado Island 18.9 48
5 Gifu 7.5 19
19 Kanazawa 46.9 119
23 Nagano 38.6 98
2 Nagoya 2.0 5
20 Niigata 35.8 91
0 Shizuoka 0.0 0


Average total snowfall in January
Days Place Inches Centi­metres
1 Kobe 0.4 1
3 Kyoto 2.0 5
1 Nara 0.8 2
0 Osaka 0.4 1
2 Tsu 0.8 2
1 Wakayama 0.4 1


January snowfall averages
Days Place Inches Centi­metres
3 Hiroshima 2.0 5
11 Matsue 14.6 37
1 Okayama 0.4 1
16 Tottori 34.6 88
3 Yamaguchi 3.9 10


Amount of snowfall in January
Days Place Inches Centi­metres
0 Kochi 0.4 1
1 Matsuyama 0.4 1
1 Takamatsu 0.4 1
1 Tokushima 1.2 3


Average January snowfall
Days Place Inches Centi­metres
2 Fukuoka 0.8 2
1 Kagoshima 1.2 3
1 Kumamoto 0.4 1
0 Miyazaki 0.0 0
1 Nagasaki 0.8 2
1 Oita 0.4 1


Snowfall in January
Days Place Inches Centi­metres
0 Ishigaki Island 0.0 0
0 Miyakojima 0.0 0
0 Naha 0.0 0

Japan Meteorological Agency. Historical weather data retrieval.

Japan Snowfall
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