December Weather in Belgium:
Average Temperature, Rainfall and Sunshine

The lists below give the normal December temperatures, rainfall and sunshine for cities in Belgium.

The temperatures cover the month's maximum and minimum temperatures, in degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit. Each place also has a total for how many days of wet weather it usually gets this month and for the normal amount of precipitation. The calculation of days only includes the days when rain totalled at least one millimetre (0.04 inches). Finally, each city has a daily average and a monthly total of the hours of sunshine it typically receives. All the numbers here are averages of measurements made at weather stations from 1991 to 2020.


Average December temperatures
High °F Low °F Place High °C Low °C
45 36 Antwerp (Antwerpen, Anvers) 7 2
40 31 Arlon (Aarlen) 5 0
45 36 Bruges (Brugge) 7 2
44 35 Brussels (Brussel, Bruxelles) 7 2
43 35 Charleroi 6 1
45 35 Ghent (Gent, Gand) 7 2
44 35 Hasselt 7 2
45 35 Leuven (Louvain) 7 2
44 36 Liege (Luik, Liège) 7 2
44 35 Mons (Bergen) 7 2
43 34 Namur (Namen) 6 1
45 36 Ostend (Oostende, Ostende) 7 2
44 35 Wavre (Waver) 7 1


Average monthly precipitation in December
Days Place Inches Milli­metres
14 Antwerp (Antwerpen, Anvers) 3.6 91
16 Arlon (Aarlen) 5.8 147
15 Bruges (Brugge) 3.7 95
14 Brussels (Brussel, Bruxelles) 3.4 86
14 Charleroi 3.9 98
14 Ghent (Gent, Gand) 3.7 93
14 Hasselt 3.2 81
14 Leuven (Louvain) 3.3 84
15 Liege (Luik, Liège) 3.5 89
14 Mons (Bergen) 3.5 88
14 Namur (Namen) 3.6 91
14 Ostend (Oostende, Ostende) 3.4 86
15 Wavre (Waver) 3.5 90


Total hours of sun on average for December
Place Day Month
Antwerp (Antwerpen, Anvers) 1.7 51
Arlon (Aarlen) 1.3 41
Bruges (Brugge) 1.8 55
Brussels (Brussel, Bruxelles) 1.6 50
Charleroi 1.5 47
Ghent (Gent, Gand) 1.8 55
Hasselt 1.8 55
Leuven (Louvain) 1.6 50
Liege (Luik, Liège) 1.6 49
Mons (Bergen) 1.7 52
Namur (Namen) 1.5 46
Ostend (Oostende, Ostende) 1.7 54
Wavre (Waver) 1.6 48

KMI (Koninklijk Meteorologisch Instituut van België). Klimaat van België. Het klimaat in uw gemeente

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