September Humidity in Australian Cities - Current Results

Average Humidity in September at Australian Cities

September averages for the relative humidity in major cities across Australia are listed below.

The morning humidity readings are taken at 9:00 am local time. The afternoon humidity levels are for 3:00 pm local time.

Relative humidity measures the actual amount of moisture in the air as a percentage of the maximum amount of moisture the air can hold.

All the numbers here are long-term historical averages based on weather data collected during 1991 to 2010.

Average humidity in September
City Morn­ing After­noon
Adelaide, South Australia 62 50
Albury, New South Wales 75 53
Ballarat, Victoria 82 65
Bendigo, Victoria 71 51
Brisbane, Queensland 62 45
Bunbury, Western Australia 74 64
Bundaberg, Queensland 63 50
Cairns, Queensland 65 55
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 65 46
Coffs Harbour, New South Wales 55 57
Darwin, Northern Territory 68 47
Geelong, Victoria 72 58
Gold Coast, Queensland 62 62
Gosford, New South Wales 64 51
Hobart, Tasmania 64 53
September relative humidity averages
City Morn­ing After­noon
Launceston, Tasmania 79 60
Mackay, Queensland 68 64
Maitland, New South Wales 70 48
Melbourne, Victoria 69 53
Newcastle, New South Wales 67 59
Perth, Western Australia 68 51
Rockhampton, Queensland 62 37
Sydney, New South Wales 60 49
Toowoomba, Queensland 62 40
Townsville, Queensland 16 53
Wollongong, New South Wales 59 61

Australian Government. Bureau of Meteorology. Climate Data Online.

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